Saturday, May 23, 2009

official archived news 2004

DECEMBER 2004 fork news

hello forks - here is your december news...

after a terribly difficult personal year that saw many things 'IAS' put on the back burner, we're thrilled to announce that HIDDEN PERSUADERS is being mixed through the month of december and early january. it will be done by the 15th- yes, that much is true. as for more info... one step at a time, these days...

SPOONBENDER 1.1.1 W/ guests IRR. APT. (EXT). and SAGAN
friday january 7th. elbo room, SF.
don't miss this show. really. and come early.
no, really!

photos of SPOONBENDER 1.1.1 W/ PSYCHIC TV 3 -
one of IAS' admitted inspirations is the conceptual element of vintage PSYCHIC TV. look closely and you'll see the similarities right in front of you- not to mention the influence and friendship of WILLIAM S. BURROUGHS work on both projects. GENESIS P-ORRIDGE told us that we were 'even more beautiful with our flowerheads off than we were with them on'. how sweet. live film soundtracks, said flowerheads, and the third mind came down on wednesday, nov 3rd in san francisco. photos here!

VOTING, next time: let's leave the illusion behind that there's a difference between democrat/republicans and vote for a 3rd option: rejection of the ready-made, pre-chosen dualist republicrat 'democracy'. let's be the first to actually achieve what should've happened decades ago. until then, we intend to stay vigilant. yes, we're sure to lose things that are dear in the inevitable (manufactured) 'terrorist' paybacks and ensuing civil war that's likely to unfold, but hey- let's all just choose to not believe in their apocalypse! reality can be undreamed, together.
" be seeing you! " - IAS ( #5 and #111 )

"the most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. it is the source of all true art and science." - albert einstein

JULY 2004 fork news

do you have an IAS TATTOO? we don't, but would like to see yours!

shows with new member DAVE EDWARDSON (of NEUROSIS) are coming soon!

SECRETS THE MOUTH WON'T KEEP: there is a new, informative interview in the 'said out loud' section of the website.

after last months newspost about IAS' label breakdown/subsequent financial disaster surrounding the HIDDEN PERSUADERS album (see last month), there have been offers and requests about contributing monetarily to IAS, so we've set up a paypal account. please feel free to do so! any amount is helpful, but is not tax deductible. if you decide to donate, send your address and we'll send you rare, unique IAS stuff (if you want).


thank you very much for your support everyone!

HIDDEN PERSUADERS song titles/track listing:
1. was that a commercial?
2. project spellbinder
a. scheme b. product c. sold!
3. love of the evolved
4. hidden persuaders
5. three folded words
6. the drug companies did a good job
7. so it turns out that life was a movie they saw?
8. don't trust pictures
9. white knuckle revelations
10. ESPionage
11. meeting yourself : i'm you
12. srorrim ni decalper ylwols

strange and true. last month, dustin and cup (as spoonbender 1.1.1) were hired to perform at a 'top-floor' corporate party where San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom spoke. WEIRD. oscillators tickled the ears of the fickle.

APRIL 2004 fork news

well forks, there's good news and bad news for may:

first the good news: there has been a regime addition, with a high-profile, long-time friend and fan now in the ranks! we'll let you know who very soon, but we can promise that the next phase of live I AM SPOONBENDER will be the ultimate one yet. guaranteed. it's probable that the west coast forks may experience this as soon as summertime.

the bad news is big, unfortunately. the label whom we've been working on releasing the HIDDEN PERSUADERS dvdalbum with has announced (at the final stage of production) that they are not able to follow through. what this means for IAS and HIDDEN PERSUADERS is that the funds to finish off this enormously expensive project are not forthcoming, effectively leaving it in an unfinished limbo-state. after 3 years of work on this, you might be able to imagine how this is... _________ (pick whatever emotional description you prefer- it fits). anyway, we are now in the position of having to start over on the process of 'shopping' this pivotal release, which can take forever. of course, we'd already been through this process with HP, from major label to hippest indie. we finally found the 'perfect' one and, well... reorganization. we had hoped to see it in your hands/minds/hearts in september. who knows when, now- but it will appear.

anyway, we'd like to take this chance to thank you for all your support and interest in IAS. your salivatory anticipation has been felt, and encouraging.

for the faithful: we'll post some work mixes of HIDDEN PERSUADERS songs next month!

IAS is now 6 years old.

" time is the final frontier " - IAS

" the otherworldly avant-pop trio I Am Spoonbender is a band that, since 1998, has challenged mainstream music's status quo (as well as the paradigms of natural order and the occult) with thought- provoking electronic song-experiments. The group's do-it-yourself approach covers everything from recording its own albums to creating all the sounds in its tunes (as opposed to using widespread, preset patches), an ethic that has been influential on other musicians in recent years. Named after the telekinetic 'powers' of Uri Geller, the band shares a common thread with the great literary minds of magical realism. Above all, the group strives to draw attention to and point out the possible beauty of the small details in life that are often taken for granted, as well as those overarching issues that concern us all. In I Am Spoonbender's universe, this goal comes alive in multiple dimensions, with and without words. Vocals, bass, and drums meet with the band's primary instrumental palette, synthesizers (each member plays one in some manner or another), yet I Am Spoonbender is far from being some kind of new-wave revival band, the likes of which are all too common in today's musical landscape. In fact, as explained on its Web site, one of the band's strongest stances is "to NOT capitalize on the younger generation's lack of knowledge to the music that's come before." A high-minded experimental pop band with a conscience? Yep. " - SF WEEKLY

FEBRUARY 2004 fork news

IAS live at the 12th annual NOISE POP fest in SF, thursday feb. 26th @ the brand new independent venue. in addition to the opening acts, there will be a couple of special guests onstage with IAS. more info here!

select new interviews, reviews and show flyers are now up here at

check here next month for a few snippets of HIDDEN PERSUADERS songs!

live photos by an austin, tx fork here!

ATTENTION MEDIA -TYPES: we will not respond in regard to your questions about our relationship with URI GELLER in connection with his relationship to MICHAEL JACKSON. stop wasting your time.

"SF trio I Am Spoonbender anticipated indie rock's current fixation on analog electronic textures and spazzy post-punk funk by five years. Check out their astounding albums for IAS's ingenious filtering of Tago Mago-era Can's tribal rhythmic power, This Heat's unconventional dynamics, and post-rock/ electronic/musique concrète interfaces." - THE STRANGER

" Calling all music makers and performers: The Bar has been raised. I Am Spoonbender has achieved what so many of us hope/ believe we might experience when we go out " - ENFUSE magazine

" i am spoonbender craft a singular uniqueness from a seemingly disparate grouping of fundamentals, somehow achieving a cohesive synergy that consistently evokes 'godhead' responses. when mentioned, (I.A.S.) are usually referred to in futuristic terms, (as in 'here is the future of music', 'fucking visionaries' and the like) causing one particularly exuberant critic to gush "where does music go from here?". where indeed?" - CHICAGO READER